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Saturday, May 1, 2010

To Begin...

I am starting this blog because I want to remember this part of my life. Of course, I want to remember pretty much every part of my life, but I want these memories vivid...Always available...and available without having to talk to anyone else.
You see, my life recently changed. It changed so drastically, that I don't know if I will ever be the same.
On April 27th 2010 I woke up like I do every other day. I got my son ready for school, I woke my fiance up to drive him to school. I decided if I should eat left over pizza for breakfast before my appointment. I had one of my last few appointments before my daughter was to be born. I was excited, but tired and sore.
I never would have guessed that just a few hours later, we would be informed that our beautiful baby had passed away and we would never get to see her smile, or hear her cry, or spend any time with her, alive, out of my womb.
We have been broken. Forever broken.

1 comment:

  1. I'm from BBC and I have to say, that you are such a strong woman. I don't know how strong I would be to do this... I am so sorry for your loss.
